Journal – Arhive
RO.A.D. 2008 Statistics
Statistics of the main types of roads Alley : 911Km Arteries/Avenues : 3362Km Main roads/Streets : 6431Km Entrances : 354Km Sea routes…
Objective Fulfillment of a layer that includes the level curves for the entire Romanian territory (plus a buffer of 10 kilometers). The…
Objective Fulfillment of a database with the hydrographic network of the Romanian territory. Persons in charge INMH, Adrian Barbieru, RQA, Constantin Manea…
Objective Fulfillment of a database with the main administrative limits (county limits, state frontier) of the Romanian territory. Persons in charge RQA…
Objective Fulfillment of a database that includes the digital representation of all the roads in the Romanian territory (European, national, regional, village,…
Objective Fulfillment of a database that should include the digital representation of all the railways in the Romanian territory. Persons in charge…
Objective Fulfillment of a database with toponymic information for the Romanian territory. Persons in charge RQA, myNature Constantin Manea Last update 07.03.2005…
Bucharest Authors: Cartogate Group Reference scale: — Spacial data: Rauri Lacuri Puncte de interes Drumuri Parcele Cladiri importante Last update: 08.09.2004 Bucharest…
The necessary honesty
Onestitate necesara De-a lungul timpului am fost abordat de clienti sau am urmarit mai multe discutii pe forumuri cu intrebari apropo de…
Danube Delta
Objective Fulfillment of a space database for the region of the Danube Delta. Persons in charge Stefan Constantinescu, Vasile Craciunescu, Florin Filip,…
RO.A.D. 2008 Map Journal
Modificari de la v2.16 la v3.1 Modificari v3.0 fata de v2.16 Corectat denumirea localitatii Unirea in 23 August din K35-010; Adaugat localitatile…
Electric Lines
Objective Fulfillment of a database that should include the digital representation of the electric current lines from the Romanian territory. Persons in…
Land Cover
Objective Fulfillment of a database with the main categories of coverage/use of the land on the Romanian territory. Persons in charge RQA…
Bathymetric map sector Capul Tuzla – Costinesti Authors: Stefan Constantinescu, Alfred Vespremeanu-Stroe, Viorel Ungureanu Reference scale: — Spatial data: Bathymetry Last update:…