Line Name Number of Lines Total Line Lenght(km)
Airport runway centerline 22 43.35
Alleyway 35,814 2,890.80
Main city thoroughfare 89,426 37,384.53
Secondary city thoroughfare 46,949 14,131.85
Archaeological Site Limit 7 0.92
Natural Reserve Boundaries 305 4,854.05
Ancient Neolithic/Bronze Age/Hallstatt Stone Fortification 19 6.34
Ancient Latene/Dacian Stone fortifications 440 146.87
Traces of Ancient Roman Stone Fortifications 2,194 741.16
Medieval Stone Fortifications 454 116.02
Modern, WWI and WWII Fortifications 805 175.80
Treeline 45 26.37
Levee 8 7.81
Destroyed Portion of a Fortification 33 8.60
Scientific Reservations Boundaries 1,397 6,425.68
Special Protected Area Boundaries 658 15,162.99
Natura 2000 Site Boundaries 1,241 20,308.35
Roman Aqueduct 8 2.84
Roman/Byzantine Ditch 428 131.38
Roman/Byzantine Earth Vallum 1,094 756.23
Wooden Pallisade Type Wall 2 0.21
Modern Trenches 13 2.87
Pre-Historic/Medieval Earth Vallum 268 139.35
Pre-Historic/Medieval Defensive Ditch 349 123.01
Heap/Artificial terrace 441 69.83
Ancient Road 310 303.43
Private driveway to residence 57,259 10,306.99
Water or rail ferry. 45 19.78
Highway ramp which is to be driven at high speeds. 386 71.62
Intermittent or dry stream, creek, or ditch. 189,307 158,113.26
International boundary. 108 3,114.98
Intermediate contour 19,079 101,882.78
Highway ramp which is to be driven at low speeds 843 82.98
Major contour 13,610 84,463.17
Primary, divided, limited-access highway 1,005 990.51
Minor land-based contour line. 160,059 794,478.34
Major political boundary 483 9,969.41
Minor political boundary 13,121 78,779.97
Other highway road 34,879 12,041.61
Overhead cable 41 16.10
Oil or water pipeline 17,552 21,094.26
Powerline 9,992 17,384.32
Principal highway 16,862 4,752.66
Railroad 9,795 14,814.69
Residential street 342,204 63,029.72
Large stream or river 8,281 18,198.86
Roundabout 3,854 69.01
Shoreline of water body. 198 285.57
Small stream or creek 105,685 125,736.30
Walkway or trail. 3,136 1,629.44
Gravel or dirt road 96,577 77,888.68