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RO.A.D.2012.20 Launch


Sheba Distribution SRL, Garmin’s representative in Romania, has the pleasure to announce the availability of the new edition of the Digital Atlas of Romania v4.02, RO.A.D.2012.20.

Continuing in the well known tradition for the Romanian Garmin customers, the Digital Atlas of Romania holds on to the number one place in the GPS road navigation map charts by bringing an extra 11 thousand km of roads up to a grand total of 236.802,97 km and the number of POIs raises in this edition to a staggering 299.184 points divided into 435 categories.

ROAD2012.20 is the only navigation map in the world that combines topographic details with a routable road network – including dirt roads and trails – with postal addresses of unequaled precision, towns with extruded 3D blocks of flats and detailed 3D textured models for both old patrimony buildings and new skyscrapers, true landmarks of today’s urban space.

Compared to usual maps on the market, the Digital Atlas of Romania has an unequaled level of actuality, in this edition one being able to find the newest rings of Domaşnea, Caransebeş and Drobeta Turnu-Severin, the Pipera 2 Passage together with many one way streets and roundabouts that have been implemented in the last three months.

The 3D model gallery has been enriched with the minute representations of the Defense University Carol I, the National Arena, the Capşa restaurant and the Romanian Patriarchy Church from Bucharest.

History aficionados will discover in this edition in premiere the detailed elements of the iron age earth fortress from Teleac, the medieval stone fortresses of Enisala and Cluj-Napoca and of the bronze age earth fortress from Corneşti – one of the largest in Europe – together with many other objectives of historic or archaeological interest.

Featuring an original concept, with quarterly updates, the result of the work of the experts and contributors of the Digital Romania Project team (www.romaniadigitala.ro), the Digital Atlas of Romania is the choice of professionals in all fields and the preferred navigation tool for all nature goers.

This edition has 480 MB in size and runs exclusively on Garmin navigation equipment, an updated list of compatibility being available at the below link:


5 comentarii pe articolul “RO.A.D.2012.20 Launch

  1. De ce a durat 3 ani actualizarea hartii ?
    Cum s-a procedat cu clientii care au cumparat ROAD 2009 si nu au avut nici o actualizare tot acest timp?

    Cu ce frecventa veti actualiza harta in 2012 ?

    • A durat 3 ani să gasim o soluţie anti-piraterie, să ne putem proteja munca. Am mai explicat asta şi la noi pe listă, pe blog şi pe alte forumuri.
      Clienţilor le-am explicat şi 99,99% au înţeles. Nu era normal ca alţii să se bucure gratuit de ceea ce ei plătiseră. Nimeni nu ar mai fi fost înclinat să plătească, chiar dacă ar fi avut banii, în asemenea condiţii.
      Frecvenţă actualizărilor este trimestrială, următorul upgrade la ROAD2012.30 fiind planificat pe 18 mai 2012.

  2. Daca cumpar ROAD 2012 voi avea update-uri pe viata.
    Rog raspuns pe email.

  3. Pingback: RO.A.D.2012, noile hărţi GPS pentru România de la Garmin