Sheba Distribution SRL, a Garmin representative in Romania, has the pleasure to announce the availability of the new edition of the Digital Atlas of Romania v5.20, RO.A.D.2013.20.
Continuing in the well known tradition for the Romanian Garmin customers, the Digital Atlas of Romania holds on to the number one place in the GPS road navigation map charts by bringing an extra 16.411,54 km of roads up to a grand total of 306.162,33 km, having increased coverage added in the counties Ialomiţa, Buzău, Vrancea, Teleorman, Galaţi, Suceava and Caraş-Severin and the number of POIs raises in this edition to a staggering 337.531 points divided into 480 categories.
ROAD2013.20 is the only GPS navigation map in the world that combines topographic details with a routable road network – including dirt roads and trails – with postal addresses of unequaled precision, towns with extruded 3D blocks of flats and detailed 3D textured models for both old patrimony buildings and new skyscrapers, true landmarks of today’s urban space. Map updates are constant and consistent from one edition to another and are documented in the Map Diaries, where all the contributions and their respective authors are mentioned together with the names of the cities and the map tiles that have changed.
Compared with common maps on the market, the Digital Atlas of Romania has an unequaled level of detail, featuring postal numbering in ANL subdivision Brâncuşi Nord from Bucureşti, in Şoseaua Nordului area from Bucureşti, in the residential subdivisions Azur 1 and 2, Domus Stil and Oxford Gardens from Voluntari, updated POIs and speed restrictions along all Bucharest exits and across the whole Bucharest ring.
Access to the commercial centres Penny Market, Obi from Sibiu, Bucharest West Park, Parcul Industrial Cefin, Divertiland, MegaDesigners Outlet, Carrefour, Bricostore and Mobexpert Militari from Chiajna, Baumax, Carrefour şi Leroy Merlin Colosseum, Ikea, Carrefour, Mobexpert, Flanco and Baneasa Shopping City from Feeria, Metro and Praktiker Colentina, Metro Băneasa, Cora and Mobexpert Pantelimon, Auchan Brăţării, Metro, Real Grocery Store and Obi Berceni, Selgros Drumul Taberei and Selgros Berceni, Lidl Fizicienilor and Lidl Moineşti, Dedeman Giurgiului and Dedeman Valea Cascadelor, HD Mall and Billa Tricodava from Bucureşti, Interhome, Praktiker, Real Grocery Store and Billa from Craiova, Penny Market and Lidl from Buftea, Hornbach from Corbeanca, Obi, Real Grocery Store, Kaufland logistic park, Selgros, Carrefour, Bricostore, Metro, Praktiker, Kaufland and Lem’s from Ploieşti, Decathlon, Magnolia Mall, Carrefour, Bricostore, Metro, Selgros, Mediagalaxy, Macromall and Kaufland from Braşov, Mega Image from Green City, Lidl from Olteniţa, Billa from Sfântu Gheorghe, Penny Market from Petrila has been detailed, plus many new oneway streets and 51 (fiftyone) new roundabouts that have been implemented in the last four months.
The 3D model gallery has been enriched with the detailed representation of the Karoly medieval castle from Carei, of the medieval fortresses from Făgăraş and Braşov – Citadela, .and the reconstitution of the late roman quadriburgium from Hinova.
History aficionados will discover in this edition in premiere the detailed elements of the fortified settlement of the Gava Culture (late bronze age) from Sighetu Marmaţiei-Dealul Cetăţii, of the dacian strongholds Jigodin I, II and III from Miercurea Ciuc, of the earth stroghold (probably dacian) previously unknown from Păucineşti-Dealul Carnavela, of the dacian earth strongholds from Fizeşti-Dealul Măgulici and Fizeşti-Dealul Fetei, of the dacian stronghold from Obreja-Viteazul Mic, of the previously unknown dacian earth vallums from Culmea Drugu, Costeşti-Dealul Făeragu, of the dacian earth vallums from Dealul Negru, Culmea Şureanu and Poiana Omului, the triple dacian vallum from Sarmizegetusa Regia, the dacian and medieval vallums from Zeicani – Tapae, of the presumed roman earth castellum from Meleia, of the previously unknown roman castrae from Bucova-Dealul Floruşu, Petroşani-Poienile Tăii, of the roman earth castrae from Fizeşti-Dealul Robului şi Fizeşti-Dealul Măgulici, of the previously undocumented roman fortifications (a castra and five castellae) from Boşorod-Vâlcele – Dealul Voinii, of the previously unknown roman earth fortifications from Sarmizegetusa Regia-La Porţi, of the previously unknown roman earth castrae from Voineasa-Coasta lui Rus Mică and Ocolişu Mic, of the roman stone castra and its thermae from Rădăcineşti, of the fortified roman settlement Noviodunum from Isaccea, of the roman villa rustica from Dalboşeţ-Dragomireana, of the roman-byzantine castrae from Rasova-Malul Roşu and Valea Caramancea, of the early medieval vallum Valul Tătarilor from Săcele, of the early medieval earth stronghold from Nălaţi-Grădişte, of the medieval strongholds from Lişnău-Aluniş and Cetatea Haiducilor from Lemnia, of the medieval fortresses from Făgăraş and Braşov-Citadela as well of the medieval Karoly Castle from Carei
Featuring an original concept, with quarterly updates, the result of nine years of continuous development of the experts and contributors of the Digital Romania Project team , the Digital Atlas of Romania is the choice of professionals in all fields and the preferred navigation tool for all nature goers.
This edition has 516.6 MB in size and runs exclusively on Garmin navigation equipment, an updated list of compatibility being available at the below link:
The use of RO.A.D.2013.20 map can create addiction to quality, value, functionality and beauty!
Felicitari si multumiri pentru noul update RO.A.D.2013.20! Tineti-o tot asa! O zi frumoasa!
Felicitari! Asteptam cu nerabdare si mail-ul! 🙂 Multumim frumos!
Buna ziua,o actualizare a camerelor radar cand va mai aparea?Ultima e din 11.2008…Multumesc.
Nu ne mai ocupăm de multă vreme cu camerele radar, sunt alte site-uri care se ocupă mai bine de acest aspect decât am fi putut-o face noi şi nu are rost să le dublăm eforturile.
Cele bune,
Bogdan Condurăţeanu
Buna ziua,cand va mai aparea un nou update?Multumesc.
Pe 18 iulie 2013. Update-urile le facem la 3 sau 4 luni, întotdeauna pe 18 ale lunii.
Buna ziua!
Ce se mai aude despre varianta pentru PC?
Nu se “aude” nimic. O să se vadă când o să fie cazul.
Buna ziua,
Am o intrebare: cum de are ROAD 2013.20 erori de rutare?
Pe scurt, de exemplu, astazi cand l-am folosit, in zona Ploiestiului, in loc sa-mi arate traseul pe directia inainte, pe care sa-l urmez spre un anumit loc, mai exact Soimari, Prahova, harta imi indica sa o iau catre dreapta, spre Bucuresti, deviindu-ma total de locul unde doream sa ajung?
Sau sa ma directioneze pe o strada care este infundata in Ploiesti? Era o strada care mergea pana la un punct cand apar gardurile de fier. Totusi, nu cred ca acea strada a devenit proprietatea fabricii care a imprejmuit strada in 3 luni de zile de la ultimul update al hartii.
Aceste erori sunt normale la ROAD 2013.20?
Stimate Domn,
Este măgulitor să consideraţi despre harta ROAD că nu are erori, dar adevărul este că nici-o hartă digitală de navigaţie nu este lipsită de erori. Diferenţa între hărţi este felul în care sunt tratate acestea. Dacă-mi transmiteţi astăzi unde aţi găsit acele două erori, le voi remedia până la apariţia ROAD2013.30.