of POI (points of interest) for the Digital Romania Atlas
Our points collectors usually goes to the field equipped with a notebook and a GPS or with a mouthpiece. They have to follow the next steps:
1. They arrive at the place in question and wait for the displayed error to be displayed under 10 m;
2. They mark the point with the GPS that automatically assigns it a consecutive number
3. They put the number down in the notebook together with a short description of the place in question;
4. They repeat from step 1 for the following point.
Finally, they transfer the collected points from the GPS to the MapSource application (if available) or to EasyGPS (http://www.easygps.com/SetupEasyGPS.exe ), and the code of the point a short description from the field notes must be put down in the MapSource (at the section comment/description) or in Easy GPS and are saved as *.gdb (from Mapsource) or *.gpx (from EasyGPS). You have on the site a document with the usually typologies accepted by Garmin as POI (Point of Interest). Essentially, you may collect anyway you consider interesting… we shall find a classification!